31 October 2011

the kind of man I married

Mr. Clean has been such a sweetheart through this pregnancy, be it politely ignoring my seven month vomitfest, giving up bacon/garlic/chocolate/bananas, or handling my hormone-fueled crying jag when my bellybutton turned inside out (hey, it is kind of freaky!) with calm and understanding.

Saturday night I was especially touched when, after an hour of fidgeting around to find a comfortable spot on the couch as we watched a movie, I found one which involved me taking up 3/4 of the couch and my legs draped over his lap.  Of course, I promptly fell asleep.  I woke up some time later to find the movie over, and Mr. Clean sitting still as a statue in our quiet, dark apartment, my legs still draped over his lap.

"Why didn't you wake me up after the movie finished?" I asked, embarrassed.
"Because you found a comfy spot," he replied.  "It's hard for you to find comfy spots lately, I thought I'd let you sleep."

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is just one example of how amazing my Mr. Clean is.  The thing is, he probably would have sat there all night long if I'd kept sleeping, because that is just the kind of guy he is.  I'm not quite sure how I got so lucky, but I sure love him!    


24 October 2011

a 2 a.m. discussion with my body

Arms, to me:  Hey!  Wake up and roll off of your back, baby's on the spine and we're getting pretty numb here!
Me:  Go away, I'm sleeping.
Arms:  tingle tingle tingle
Legs:  tingle tingle tingle
Fingers & toes:  tingle tingle tingle
Head: whooooo! You'd better do it, I feel funny too!
Spine:  Me three! 
Me:  Fine.  rolls over and wiggles extremities
Arms & legs & fingers & toes: TINGLE Tingle tingle tingle tingle 
Me:  Hurry it up, will ya?
Arms & legs & fingers & toes:  how rude.   
Me:  Shhh. Trying to sleep here!

...ten minutes later

Bladder:  Since you're up...
Me:  I am not up! 
Bladder:  Well, you're going to be now, cuz I gots to go!
Me:  You said that at midnight and it was a lie.
Bladder:  This time it's for real.
Me: ignoring bladder
Bladder: Seriously, move it or lose it missy!

...five minutes later

Baby:  kick kickety kick kick kick
Bladder:  Ack!!!
Me:  Ack!!!

... two minutes later

Me:  I knew you were lying.
Bladder:  Not lying...exaggerating.   
Me:  incoherent mental grumbling

...ten minutes later

Baby:  punches ribs
Ribs:  The baby is punching us.
Me:  Give him a break, he doesn't understand what he's doing.
Baby:  punches ribs
Ribs:  He punched us again!  Make him stop!
Me:  And how do you suggest I accomplish that?
Baby:  punches ribs
Ribs:  He's punching us!  He's punching us!  He's punching us!
Me:  la la la, not listening!  
Baby: punches ribs repeatedly
Me:  Smooshes pillow under side of stomach.  
Baby:  punches ribs a few more times, then relocates
Ribs:  ahhh, thanks!
Me:  too tired to respond

...fifteen minutes later

Bladder:  Yooo-hooo!  Guess what!
Me:  Absolutely not!
Bladder:  Yup, it's that time again.
Me:  smooshes a pillow over head 
Bladder:   I own you, lady!  Don't fight it. 
Me:  groan

13 October 2011

Pigboy Willys

Where does one go to purchase a pumpkin during a pumpkin shortage? Why, Pigboy Willys Pumpkin Patch, of course!

What a silly question.

11 October 2011

a few frames

from my walk around our complex this morning

06 October 2011

our new next-door neighbors

So, our new next-door neighbors smell like secondhand smoke and old bologna. They also make the hallway smell like secondhand smoke and old bologna.  And sometimes, the stink seeps into my kitchen (which I assume borders theirs) and makes it smell like secondhand smoke and old bologna. 

I am not a fan. 

Off to boil some spices...again! 
Anyone have any genius ways of getting rid of icky smells that they would like to share? 

02 October 2011

A cute varmint