20 July 2011

highlights from our 20 week sonogram

  • It's a boy! 
  • He is super active, so much so that most of our take-home photos are blurry.
  • He has his papa's profile.
  • He was wearing his umbilical cord like a shawl.  

19 July 2011

5 things I am getting used to after moving back east

5. Wildlife!  I guess more water = more everything.  I have never seen birds in such diversity, or other varmints of various sorts, or even so many dogs in one place.  Really.  Everyone seems to have a dog (or two). 
4.  Cooking in a miniature kitchen.  Take the smallest apartment kitchen you ever had and chop it in half and you have my new kitchen.  It makes me more appreciative of what I had back at our house.
3.  Rain falling from the sky in awesomely ridiculous quantities.  I didn't quite ever actually understand that I lived in a desert climate...until we moved out here and "normal" rainstorms ended up being a spectator sport for us.
2.  Heat + humidity.  Still haven't decided if this is better or worse than dry heat.  It depends on the day.
1.  Supersized bugs.  Thankfully outside, not in.  But still creepy.