16 September 2011

Happy Rosh Hashanah

This week when I looked at the grocery ad, there were 3 pages of sale items devoted to Rosh Hashanah.  If you aren't sure what Rosh Hashanah is, it is the Jewish New Year (I looked it up).  This year it will fall on September 28th - 30th.

Some of the cool items I have never eaten or used featured in the ad are:
  • Gefilte fish (bottled fish packed in gelatin made with fish broth)
  • Matzo  
  • Bissli  (a fried wheat snack)
  • Tam tams  (matzo crackers)
  • Herring bottled in cream
  • Frozen blintzes
  • Bottled duck sauce
Familiar items included
  • Apples
  • Honey
  • Fruit Juices 
I guess serving apples and honey together are supposed to symbolize a sweet new year.

I am going to look for a good Rosh Hashanah recipe so that we can have our own celebration this year.


  1. That sounds like fun! I don't know if this recipe is specific to Rosh Hashanah (probably not), but we enjoyed it a few years ago.


  2. I've always enjoyed learning about other religions' holidays/traditions. My favorites are
    Yom Kippur (celebrating forgiveness), and lent.

  3. Oh, and passover. And... well, they're all really neat.

  4. Mr. M: I agree! I attended a passover celebration while in college and found it very interesting.

    Mrs. M: Thanks for the link! That sounds like a better bet for our particular palates than trying to figure out how to use the gefilte fish in something. :)
