28 December 2011
20 December 2011
we call him snorticus
Well...perhaps occasionally...in a very loving manner.
The little guy's a bit stuffy right now, and while it's sad it is also a little funny (see below).
10 December 2011
and...we have a baby!
8 lbs 3 oz, 21 inches long, and a feisty little attitude!
We all headed home December 5th.
We enjoyed being home but took daily trips to the pediatrician to monitor jaundice levels. I hated seeing our little man get his blood taken, but he took it like a champ.
We headed to hospital no. 2 December 8th for jaundice treatments.
Boy, was he glad to be out of that light box!
We got to enjoy a little more time with Grandma before she headed home on the 12th
Lots and lots of love and gratitude to those who have been thinking of us since his arrival.
Additionally, I'd like to send a supersized thank you to my mom. Her being here with us was exceptionally comforting and her wisdom was much appreciated. I really don't know what we would have done without her. Thank you Mom!
28 November 2011
peanut m&ms an obscure potential cause of single motherhood
Me, to him (jokingly): Cut it out, you're going to choke
Mr. Clean: Why? tosses and catches another
Me: It's going to get lodged in your throat
Mr. Clean: tosses and catches another
Me: I don't want to become a single mother because of a peanut M&M... and you know I won't be able to move fast enough to get up and give you the Heimlich maneuver right now.
Mr. Clean: Not to mention you won't be able to get your arms around my middle because your baby belly will be in the way.
Me: laughing too hard to come up with a sassy retort because it's totally true
Well played, Mr. Clean. Well played.
26 November 2011
A treat for Mr. Clean
I hate bananas, but Mr. Clean loves them and I love him, so occasionally I put on my best martyr face, mash up some smelly bananas, and make him some banana bread.
It is funny how much you don't mind doing things you otherwise detest when it's for someone you adore.
21 November 2011
Here is a picture of me & my belly's occupant. Perhaps I should have waited for my hair to dry before memorializing the moment for posterity. Or not. This way is much more true to life...and at least this one has my head in it.
38 weeks...yup! There's a big ol' baby in there!
The laundromat
I haven't spent time at a laundromat in years-not since college. But this morning I am on a bench, watching our comfortors tumble and turn, and reading a library book on my kindle.
We are blessed to have itty bitty stackable machines in our apartment to take care of our regular needs, but quilts are too much for their capacity.
After today we'll be ready for the cold months to come and for my mom's visit.
Additionally, the baby has recieved no less than three unsolicited belly rubs since I walked in the door. I am sure he appreciates them, even if his mother does not.
14 November 2011
a nursery rhyme
![]() |
r.i.p. nursery that was to be...you ended up exactly how I pictured you would turn out! |
09 November 2011
Bellius Maximus [36 weeks] & 5 things to note from sonogram no. 3
This is the one and only "belly picture" that has been taken of me (sneaky-like by Mr. Clean, who knows I need one for the baby book). I will probably have to have him take one some time soon also showing my face. :)
In other news, we had sonogram No. 3 yesterday and here is my list of 5 things to note from the experience.
5. Baby was covering most of his face with his hand.
4. He's got some seriously pouty little lips going on.
3. The tech said he's got long legs and long fingers.
2. His hair is long enough to show up on the monitor.
1. Head down. Hooray!
It sure feels good to have made it to full term status this week! Now he can come whenever he likes...which is hopefully just before my mom gets here. :)
08 November 2011
cross-cultural fajitas
Maybe it cancels out the wok-iness of it all when I use extra jalapenos (which is always).
31 October 2011
the kind of man I married
Mr. Clean has been such a sweetheart through this pregnancy, be it politely ignoring my seven month vomitfest, giving up bacon/garlic/chocolate/bananas, or handling my hormone-fueled crying jag when my bellybutton turned inside out (hey, it is kind of freaky!) with calm and understanding.
Saturday night I was especially touched when, after an hour of fidgeting around to find a comfortable spot on the couch as we watched a movie, I found one which involved me taking up 3/4 of the couch and my legs draped over his lap. Of course, I promptly fell asleep. I woke up some time later to find the movie over, and Mr. Clean sitting still as a statue in our quiet, dark apartment, my legs still draped over his lap.
"Why didn't you wake me up after the movie finished?" I asked, embarrassed.
"Because you found a comfy spot," he replied. "It's hard for you to find comfy spots lately, I thought I'd let you sleep."
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is just one example of how amazing my Mr. Clean is. The thing is, he probably would have sat there all night long if I'd kept sleeping, because that is just the kind of guy he is. I'm not quite sure how I got so lucky, but I sure love him!
24 October 2011
a 2 a.m. discussion with my body
Me: Go away, I'm sleeping.
Arms: tingle tingle tingle
Legs: tingle tingle tingle
Fingers & toes: tingle tingle tingle
Head: whooooo! You'd better do it, I feel funny too!
Spine: Me three!
Me: Fine. rolls over and wiggles extremities
Arms & legs & fingers & toes: TINGLE Tingle tingle tingle tingle
Me: Hurry it up, will ya?
Arms & legs & fingers & toes: how rude.
Me: Shhh. Trying to sleep here!
...ten minutes later
Bladder: Since you're up...
Me: I am not up!
Bladder: Well, you're going to be now, cuz I gots to go!
Me: You said that at midnight and it was a lie.
Bladder: This time it's for real.
Me: ignoring bladder
Bladder: Seriously, move it or lose it missy!
...five minutes later
Baby: kick kickety kick kick kick
Bladder: Ack!!!
Me: Ack!!!
... two minutes later
Me: I knew you were lying.
Bladder: Not lying...exaggerating.
Me: incoherent mental grumbling
...ten minutes later
Baby: punches ribs
Ribs: The baby is punching us.
Me: Give him a break, he doesn't understand what he's doing.
Baby: punches ribs
Ribs: He punched us again! Make him stop!
Me: And how do you suggest I accomplish that?
Baby: punches ribs
Ribs: He's punching us! He's punching us! He's punching us!
Me: la la la, not listening!
Baby: punches ribs repeatedly
Me: Smooshes pillow under side of stomach.
Baby: punches ribs a few more times, then relocates
Ribs: ahhh, thanks!
Me: too tired to respond
...fifteen minutes later
Bladder: Yooo-hooo! Guess what!
Me: Absolutely not!
Bladder: Yup, it's that time again.
Me: smooshes a pillow over head
Bladder: I own you, lady! Don't fight it.
Me: groan
13 October 2011
Pigboy Willys
Where does one go to purchase a pumpkin during a pumpkin shortage? Why, Pigboy Willys Pumpkin Patch, of course!
What a silly question.
11 October 2011
06 October 2011
our new next-door neighbors
I am not a fan.
Off to boil some spices...again!
Anyone have any genius ways of getting rid of icky smells that they would like to share?
02 October 2011
27 September 2011
5 reasons I am feeling extra pregnant lately
5. While waiting for my turn at the trash compactor, a little boy with his mom tugged at her shirt, pointed at me, and stage-whispered "is there a baby in that lady's stomach?"
4. Mr. Clean tactfully suggested we get some flats for me. Though I hate to admit it, my feet agreed with him that it was time.
3. A lady at a gas station blessed my belly. At least...I think that was what she was doing...the only thing she said in English was "little happy mamma."
2. Twice in the recent past a random stove burner has been ignited - unintentionally - by my belly as I was wiping down the stovetop. I need to get used to my new dimensions before I flambe my hand (or a washcloth).
1. Despite my detestation for bananas and anything related to them, I experienced a serious craving for banana pudding the other day. It was gross. The thought of eating it kept popping into my head and I would think "mmmmm," and then I would think "ugh!" and dry heave.
Pregnancy is weird. I'm just happy to be along for the ride.
16 September 2011
Happy Rosh Hashanah
Some of the cool items I have never eaten or used featured in the ad are:
- Gefilte fish (bottled fish packed in gelatin made with fish broth)
- Matzo
- Bissli (a fried wheat snack)
- Tam tams (matzo crackers)
- Herring bottled in cream
- Frozen blintzes
- Bottled duck sauce
- Apples
- Honey
- Fruit Juices
I am going to look for a good Rosh Hashanah recipe so that we can have our own celebration this year.
08 September 2011
new connotations for rain and other adjustments
In contrast was last week, when the landscaping crew actually busted out some sprinklers. It was sort of funny - they had hoses pulled all over kingdom come trying to figure out how to water everything (obviously they don't have to resort to using them very often).
So, my conclusions are as follows:
1. Drought has a different connotation in Virginia than it does in Utah. Compared to my Utah background, drought out here seems to be rather shorter and moister than the drought I am used to.
2. Rain has a different connotation in Virginia than it does in Utah. My perspective on this has changed very rapidly. If you can walk in it for a couple of seconds without feeling like you've just showered in your clothes, it is no longer a true rain to me! Also, as a side note, if thunder doesn't rattle my ribcage and leave a ringing in my ears, it is no longer impressive.
3. Sprinkler has a different connotation in Virginia than it does in Utah. Out here it is spoken with an inflection akin to a cuss word.
Tomato, Tomahto.
30 August 2011
what a week!
1) conquered an earthquake
2) been conquered by a faulty alternator
3) ridden in a tow truck
4) prepared for a hurricane
5) spent a week alone
6) picked up Mr. Clean on the last flight in before the hurricane
7) discovered braxton-hicks contractions
8) visited the local library
9) been very very (very very) thankful for my family
10) entered my third trimester
I should probably elaborate further on some of these. However, when I start to think about them again it mostly just makes me want to take a nap. I will say that with regard to Nos 5 & 6, I missed Mr. Clean like crazy and there was nothing that could have made me happier than to see him walking out of the airport toward our car through crazy wind and rain. Home just can't be home without him. I am so glad he is back.
12 August 2011
a small triumph
Normally if I see a bug I scream and call the fearless and handsome Mr. Clean to come take care of it for me. I hate bugs (Mr. Clean does too, but he must love me a lot because he always catches and gets rid of them without complaining).
This morning I spotted a HUGE (ok...it was tiny) cricket that had somehow wandered into our apartment. I stood there, frozen in place for a minute, then I realized the following:
1. I really really really hate bugs.
2. Mr. Clean is gone a lot now.
3. I am home all of the time now.
4. Running away from something never helps.
5. Soon there will be a baby to take care of.
6. Part of taking care of babies is being brave about things like that are scary or icky. Like bugs (and throw up...but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it).
Moving forward on that conclusion, I trapped and flushed the cricket - all by myself - with a minimum of squealing and a ton of tissues. I decided I can count it as a victory even though I never, ever, ever want to do it again.
Off to obsessively vacuum the apartment now...it's all about baby steps, right?
08 August 2011
02 August 2011
Red Lentil Soup
I love lentils! This is a flavorful, beautiful, and satisfying vegetarian recipe I've cobbled together based on four or five lentil soup recipes I've tried via allrecipes.com.
Red Lentil Soup
1 large onion, diced
4 carrots, diced
4 stalks celery, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 T dry oregano
1 T dry basil
1/2 t thyme
2 bay leaves
14.5 oz crushed tomatoes
2 c dry red lentils
8 c chicken or vegetable broth
1/8 c lemon juice
1/8 - 1/4 c oil
salt and pepper to taste
In large soup pot, heat oil over medium heat. Add onions, carrots, and celery. Cook until tender, stirring often. Stir in garlic, bay leaf, oregano, basil, and thyme. Cook for 2 minutes. Stir in lentils. Add broth and tomatoes. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for at least 1 hour (more liquid may be required as soup cooks down).
20 July 2011
highlights from our 20 week sonogram
- It's a boy!
- He is super active, so much so that most of our take-home photos are blurry.
- He has his papa's profile.
- He was wearing his umbilical cord like a shawl.
19 July 2011
5 things I am getting used to after moving back east
4. Cooking in a miniature kitchen. Take the smallest apartment kitchen you ever had and chop it in half and you have my new kitchen. It makes me more appreciative of what I had back at our house.
3. Rain falling from the sky in awesomely ridiculous quantities. I didn't quite ever actually understand that I lived in a desert climate...until we moved out here and "normal" rainstorms ended up being a spectator sport for us.
2. Heat + humidity. Still haven't decided if this is better or worse than dry heat. It depends on the day.
1. Supersized bugs. Thankfully outside, not in. But still creepy.
27 June 2011
plugging in again
So, to ease into it, here is a little ditty I made up...oh...about 10 weeks ago. We are nearly to the halfway point. We should find out the gender some time in July.
The Morning Sickness Song
(to the tune of Jingle Bells)
Dashing to the door, with one hand o'er my face
Running quickly with a desperate kind of grace
I see the porcelain throne, and know I'm almost there
And up it comes and out it comes, with no time left to spare.
Oh, please stay down, please stay down, please do not come up!
I just finished eating you, and don't want to upchuck - hey!
Please stay down, please stay down, the doctor says I'm thin,
and I can't start to gain some weight unless you will stay in.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go take some pictures of our trash compactor for my nephew.
30 March 2011
16 March 2011
I would post about our epic remodeling project...
14 February 2011
11 February 2011
09 February 2011
Partita No. 3 in E, BWV 1006 [J.S. Bach]
I am learning this piece for a 10 hour personal progress project (knowledge) in young women's.
31 January 2011
5 things I learned while cooking in 2010
4. If you over-garlic (what? over-garlic? is that even possible?) a little brown sugar tones it right down.
3. Cooking rice in chicken stock is tasty. Cooking rice in coconut milk is also tasty. Cooking rice in coconut milk and chicken stock is super tasty.
2. Poaching an egg is harder than it looks.
1. Nothing can compensate for a dull knife.
27 January 2011
26 January 2011
my trip to holland
A co-worker recently sent me an article by Emily Perl Kinglsey entitled Welcome to Holland. It was written with the experience of raising a child with a disability in mind, but I found the analogy she used applicable to our current situation - not being able to have a child - as well.
You can find a copy of the article here. It is quite short, and markedly poignant, no matter which way you happen to exist outside of the norm.
19 January 2011
The view from my desk is daunting today
06 January 2011
sailing, sailing [MI trip 2010]
for a perfectly relaxing afternoon